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How Can EBS NitriFire Stabilize Nitrification Rates in the Winter?

How Can EBS NitriFire Stabilize Nitrification Rates in the Winter?

Winter's colder temperatures bring a host of operational challenges for wastewater treatment facilities, particularly in the biological nitrification process. This crucial process is responsible for converting ammonia into nitrate and can be significantly impacted by...

Featured Articles

How Can EBS NitriFire Stabilize Nitrification Rates in the Winter?

How Can EBS NitriFire Stabilize Nitrification Rates in the Winter?

Winter's colder temperatures bring a host of operational challenges for wastewater treatment facilities, particularly in the biological nitrification process. This crucial process is responsible for converting ammonia into nitrate and can be significantly impacted by...

Odor and H2S Control

Odor and H2S Control

EBS recently assisted a paper mill with odor issues associated with their aerated stabilization basin (ASB) wastewater treatment system.  The formation of reduced sulfur compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide) occurred in a large unaerated...