Industry Trade Organizations

EBS actively participates in key industry trade organizations. Our staff and technical advisors frequently present papers on issues important to the everchanging environmental landscape in which our customers operate. We strive to be on the leading edge of industry concerns and challenges.

EBS is proud to support the following organizations:

LWEA: Louisiana Water Environment Association is a member association of the Water Environment Federation, a global organization with over 36,000 members and 75 affiliated Member Associations.

MWEA: Mississippi Water Environment Association: is a professional, non-profit, technical, and educational organization devoted to the preservation and enhancement of the statewide water environment. Membership is composed of engineers, scientists, utility managers, plant operators, and others working in government, academia, industry, and private practice. The MWEA is a member association of the Water Environment Federation, a global organization with over 36,000 members and 75 affiliated Member Associations. (

NCASI: The National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI) is a 501 (c)(6) tax-exempt association organized to serve the forest products industry as a center of excellence providing unbiased, scientific research and technical information necessary to achieve the industry’s environmental and sustainability goals. (

TAPPI: Mission: TAPPI fosters the vitality of the global forest products, pulp, paper, tissue, packaging, and associated industries by delivering unsurpassed technical knowledge, valuable networks, and professional growth for our members. Vision Statement: TAPPI is and will continue to be the International Center of Excellence for the forest products, pulp, paper, packaging, and related industries. (

WEF: The Water Environment Federation is a nonprofit association that provides technical education and training for thousands of water quality professionals who clean water and return it safely to the environment. WEF members have proudly protected public health, served their local communities, and supported clean water worldwide since 1928. (

AWT: The Association of Water Technologies (AWT) represents over 500 companies specializing in water treatment for industrial and commercial cooling and heating systems. Its members focus on enhancing the operational efficiencies of these systems through education and collaboration. By joining the AWT community, we consistently gain access to industry-leading insights and tools that keep us at the forefront of water treatment practices. This education allows us to continuously deliver superior service to our valued clients.