NitriFire™, Nitrifying Bacteria Formulation

Specifically formulated blend of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (Nitrosomonas or AOBs) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (Nitrobacter spp. or NOBs) for efficient oxidation of ammonia.

Clean Thoughts Newsletter Issue 3

In this Pulp and Paper issue: The Importance of Primary Clarification, Odor and Hydrogen Sulfide Control, and Benthic Feedback.

If you have any questions, want to request an article topic, or have a question for our “Ask the BioWizard,” please let us know!

40-Day Volatile Solids Reduction Case Study

EBS has extensive experience in supporting a wide variety of bench-scale testing to suit our client’s needs. The goal of this study was to evaluate the reduction of volatile solids over 40 days, which is required for their permit renewal.

Wastewater solutions, training, and consulting programs for everyone

EBS is an independent wastewater treatment consulting company that provides unique solutions to various operational and training challenges facing industrial wastewater professionals. We are inspired to be trusted advisors to our clients and Channel Partners, offering an alternative to traditional consultants and suppliers in the form of unique technical insights and perspectives, thereby helping them protect North America’s natural resources while supporting their financial goals and long-term sustainability.

Assessing risk and managing critical factors are necessities for managers, engineers, and operators of wastewater treatment plants. Decisions and actions that impact short-term compliance must complement the longer-term management of the wastewater treatment process. Our comprehensive approach evaluates your entire system to determine the current state and offer corrective action if needed. 

Featured Articles

How Can EBS NitriFire Stabilize Nitrification Rates in the Winter?

How Can EBS NitriFire Stabilize Nitrification Rates in the Winter?

Winter's colder temperatures bring a host of operational challenges for wastewater treatment facilities, particularly in the biological nitrification process. This crucial process is responsible for converting ammonia into nitrate and can be significantly impacted by...

Odor and H2S Control

Odor and H2S Control

EBS recently assisted a paper mill with odor issues associated with their aerated stabilization basin (ASB) wastewater treatment system.  The formation of reduced sulfur compounds (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide) occurred in a large unaerated...

Keys to Success Before, During, and After an Outage

Keys to Success Before, During, and After an Outage

Scheduled vs Unplanned Outages There are two types of outages, scheduled and unplanned. Scheduled outages are annual affairs at roughly the same time each year and are used to conduct maintenance or other work that cannot be performed while the plant/mill is in full...