Bacterial Acceleration ChamberContinual innovation is an important component of the EBS core value called “Simple yet Profound.” This core value is rooted in the fact that meaningfully applied technology doesn’t have to be rocket science. Over the years, EBS has pursued the cutting edge of wastewater bioaugmentation. We relentlessly “peel the onion” in our pursuit of answers and the application of “applying” our newfound knowledge to assist clients in their goal to run their wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) more efficiently and effectively. With newer regulations regarding final effluent nutrient residuals on the horizon, running more effectively becomes even more critical.

To run well, WWTPs must have enough biological population that is viable, which means the bacteria are not only alive but healthy enough to reproduce and reduce BOD. For comparison, consider how the human body, when exposed to a stressor such as starvation, starts shutting down certain internal functions or has internal cycles that become interrupted in its endeavor to stay alive. Similarly, without a viable bacterial population, the WWTP can become unwell leading to BOD breakthrough.

One method to increase the viable biological population is to add dry bacteria to the WWT system. This can be useful if you’ve experienced a toxic event, have found that you’ve been feeding chemicals within the manufacturing plant that are inhibitory to bacteria, are expecting an influx of BOD such as during a maintenance down, or you know you’re going to be experiencing higher than normal loading due to production run decisions. Yet it can be costly to add enough dry bacteria to create a high enough impact on the system.

To alleviate this cost, EBS created our patented Bacterial Acceleration Chamber (BAC unit) many years ago to multiply the counts of dry bacterial products prior to system addition. The BAC unit is designed to acclimate and grow 10 to 100 times the bacterial population of the dry product. To optimize our bacterial growth rates, EBS developed specially formulated bacterial products containing additional nutrients and food. Currently, BAC unit technology is used in over forty industrial wastewater treatment facilities across North America. Ultimately, BAC technology takes advantage of the fact that unlike other wastewater treatment products such as polymers, more bacteria can be generated on-site prior to application without increasing cost.

Still, in EBS’s pursuit for continual innovation and improvement, the BAC unit designs were expanded upon. The BAC2, created in 2015, is an aluminum two-stage unit capable of growing up to 1000 times the bacterial population of dry product. And the original BAC unit was upgraded in 2016 to better serve our current and future customers who deal with the effects of cold temperatures. This unit is now constructed of aluminum with the ability to install insulating panels and heat tracing to maintain the warmer temperatures bacteria need for faster reproduction during colder times of the year. As a bonus, all BAC units are now skid-mounted for easy transport within the plant.

BAC unit technology can be very beneficial during winter months as maintaining compliance becomes more difficult due to cooler temperatures. Consider another comparison between humans and bacteria regarding the importance of temperature. Think how people find it more enjoyable to function in warmer temperatures but when the temperature hovers in the freezing zone, we become less active. In the same fashion, bacteria, as live organisms, slow down during cooler temperatures and don’t reproduce or reduce BOD as quickly. Thus, when the same type of upset occurs in the winter, bacteria cannot respond and recover as they do during the warmer months. This is the reason plants tend to struggle with reducing BOD during the colder months than during the warmer months.

The EBS BAC unit designs and improvements are one of many ways we continually innovate to serve our client’s needs while doing so in a cost-effective manner. We expand our knowledge of wastewater treatment systems and how the bacteria function within them every day and are committed to excellence in the practice of wastewater treatment bioaugmentation. As trusted advisors to our clients, EBS is inspired to help them protect North America’s rivers, lakes, streams, and estuaries while supporting their financial goals and long-term sustainability. For more information on the EBS BAC units and how you can improve your wastewater treatment plant performance, please contact us at or call 985-674-0660.